Etiquette & Behavior Conduct

I value discretion, privacy and respect most of all. I respect your privacy and boundaries, and expect the same from you.

  • Screening is non negotiable. Screening is needed for my safety and is 100% private information between you and I. I need to be sure you are who you say you are, and after our meeting is over all screening information is deleted. I am also willing to sign a non disclosure agreement if you wish.

  • Donations are never to be discussed during our time together. Please place my donation in a unsealed envelope, magazine or book in the restroom upon your or my arrival. Never make it so I have to ask for my donation. Sometimes time flies when you have fun, so if you need to extend please be prepared with extra donation in case of that event.

  • Behavior: I expect you to arrive on time, neither early or late. Be discrete without causing attention to yourself. Offensive and derogatory language is not allowed in my presence, and if it occurs I reserve the right to terminate our appointment without refund.

  • Hygiene: arrive freshly showered, and if you need to freshen up during our date that is highly appreciated and expected. I will always have extra towels on hand for this exact reason. Please be well groomed and dressed, while still being comfortable.

  • Reaching out: in your introduction email, please tell me a bit about yourself including likes, hobbies, dislikes, or anything you would like to share with me before our encounter. I always appreciate a well written, thought out email that includes information about yourself, a desired date, time and length and screening information. It is important to make a goof first impression, and this is your chance to do so.

  • Wardrobe: I would be more than happy to fulfill an outfit request for you if I have the suggested items. Feel free to request certain clothing such as business casual, more or a glam look, casual, lingerie or anything else. If I do not have the item, you may send me a gift prior to our date or the funds to go and purchase it myself.

  • Other: Pre-booking at least 48 hours is recommended, but I do also accommodate last minute requests.